根据民主化和法制化的要求,积极推进政治体制的改革。According to the demand of democratization and legalization, positive efforts have been made to promote the reformation of political system.
社会主义民主政治的核心是人民当家做主,真正享有法律赋予的各项民主权利。The essence and core of socialist democratic politics is that the people are the masters and they really enjoy various democratic rights endowed by laws.
1979年,全国人民代表大会修改了选举法,各级人民代表大会普遍实行了差额选举,代表正式候选人的名额多于应选名额的1/3至1倍。 In 1979, the Electoral Law was revised on the National People's Congress(NPC). Difference election was adopted in all levels of the Congress. Number of formal candidates is more than those to be elected by a rate of 3:1, or 1 time over.
北京市人民代表大会是北京市的国家权利机关,每届任期五年。每年人民代表大会期间,代表要听取和审议市人民政府、市人民法院、市人民检察院的工作报告;审查和批准北京市的国民经济和社会发展计划、预算以及执行情况的报告。代表大会依法选举市人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员、市长和副市长、市人民法院院长和中级人民法院院长、市人民检察院检察长和市人民检察分院检察长、绊脚石应选的全国人民代表大会代表。市人民代表大会常务委员会是市人民代表大会的常设机构,其主要任务和职能是根据北京市经济和社会发展的需要制订地方性法规,此外,还有依法决定人事任免,加强对法律法规实施情况的监督检查,审议和办理代表大会交付的议案,督促办理代表提出的建议、批评和意见,组织代表参加专题调查、视察等活动。 Beijing People's Congress is the organ of State power of Beijing Municipality. It is elected for a term of 5 years. During annual sessions, deputies are to listen to, and to discuss, work reports of the municipal government, the municipal court of justice and the municipal procuratorate; and to examine and ratify reports on plans about national economy and social development of Beijing Municipality, as well as those on the budgets and states of execution. the Congress elects, according to law, members of the standing committee of the congress, the mayor, vice mayors, directors of the municipal court of justice and the intermediate people's court, chief procurators of the municipal procuratorate and of its branches, and deputies to the national people's congress. The standing committee of the Municipal People's Congress is the standing body of the Congress, and its major task is to draft local laws and regulations according to needs of economic and social developments in Beijing. Other activities the Standing Committee is responsible to include: to decide appointing and removing of administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law; to strengthen the superintending and checking on states of execution; to discuss and put to practice the motions put forward by the Congress; to supervise the handling of suggestions, criticisms and opinions put forward by deputies; and to organize activities of investigations on special subjects and of inspection tours by deputies.
人民政治协商制度进一步发展。中共北京市委、北京市人民政府就北京改革开放、经济建设和人民生活的重大问题,同各民主党派和人民团体负责人、无党派人士定期进行协商对话,认真采纳他们提出的建议。The system of political consultations among the people is further developed. Beijing Municipal committee of CPC and Beijing People's Municipal Government consult and open dialogues regularly with leaders of democratic parties and people's organizations, and non-party personages on important questions of the reformation and opening-up, economic constructions and people's lives in Beijing, and good suggestions they put forward have been seriously adopted.
群众组织 mass organizations
居委会 neighborhood committees
保证将国家机关的工作置于社会的监督下 to ensure the works of state organizations be put under social supervision
深入开展反腐败斗争 to deepen the anticorruption campaign
廉正建设 the construction of honest administering
查处违法违纪案件 to investigate and punish the activities violating the law and discipline
执法部门 law-enforcing departments
废除领导干部终身制 The lifelong official system has been abolished.
按照革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化的要求,把一大批德才兼备的中青年干部选拔到各级领导岗位上来。 According to the demands of "Revolutionizing, Juvenizing and Specializing", a large number of young and middle-aged cadres with both ability and political integrity have been promoted to leading posts of various levels.
注重选拔少数民族干部、妇女干部,积极吸收民主党派人士进入政府各级领导岗位。 Much attention has been paid to select cadres from minority nationalities and from women. Vigorous efforts have been made to absorb personages of democratic parties to leading posts at various levels of governments.
白条 IOU
摆脱许多思想上和体体制上的禁锢 shake off ideological and structural shackles
摆门面 put up an impressive front
百花齐放,百家争鸣 let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend
百业待举 much remains to be done
拜金主义 money worship
败坏党的名声和社会风气 tarnish the reputation of the Party and degrade social conduct
弊端、矛盾、问题 drawbacks, irregularities and problems
避免经济滑坡 avoid economic downturn
有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 Once a law is put into force, it must be observed and strictly enforced and violators must be brought to justice.
必由之路 the only way leading to
地区壁垒 regional barriers
非关税壁垒 non-tariff barriers
边际生产力较高 higher marginal productive forces
边缘学科 rontier branches of science
编假预算 doctor final reports of revenues and expenditures
编造假帐 falsification of account
变相涨价 raise prices in a disguised form
并重 attach equal importance to
拨乱反正 put wrongs to rights
薄弱工业 bottleneck industries
不合理收费、集资和摊派 impose unreasonable service charges and collect money for countless purposes
不顾条件一哄而起 rush into action in disregard of objective conditions
不够明确的产权 a kind of bague concept of ownership
不良风气 unhealthy ways and customs
不正之风 unhealthy tendency
步子迈得更大一些 take a bolder approach to reform and opening-up
办事拖拉 to be dilatory
保证基本路线和方针的连续性和稳定性 see to it that our basic line, principles and policies are continued and kept stable
本位主义 selfish departmentalism
报请下届人大确认 refer to the next session of the NPC for confirmation